Articles on: Features

Managing the Cookies of your store

If you are running on our Free plan, you can navigate to the Cookie Bar Settings tab > Management section > Cookie Categories. From there, you can directly click, add/remove/edit any cookie you want, as shown in the image below:

Suppose you are running our paid plans; you will have the option to display the Cookie Information in the Preference popup by selecting “Yes” in the Display Cookie Information fields part of the Cookie Information Panel section, and the Cookie Information Popup text will be displayed, as shown below:

From there, you can also add, modify and remove cookies, as shown below:

The following section shows the Cookie Scanner available to the Plusand Enterprise plan users. There you can scan your store, and it will show you a List of Cookies present when a visitor visits your store for the first time. And the Cookies will be transferred to our Cookie Bar when you click the button for Auto-transfer scanned cookies.

Updated on: 29/05/2024

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