Articles on: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Set compliant as per the French CNIL

First, you will need to add a Reject All button in the Cookie bar. Please follow the steps in FAQ:
How to set up a Reject button on the Cookie bar?

Secondly, you should set up an Accept All button. In order to make the Accept button in the Cookie bar to act like an Accept All button, you will simply need to rename the button from Accept > Accept All. Then for the option “Regard the Initial State Of The Cookie Consent Bar for the 'Accept' button”, select "NO", so it could work as the one in the Preferences popup.

Last but not least, this new requirement asks for a detailed explanation of each cookie group and each specific cookie. This can easily be achieved by adding your specific description in the designated places in the Cookie Bar Settings tab:

Additional description for the cookie categories in the Bar Content section:

Turn on the option for displaying the cookie information from the Cookie Bar Settings tab > Management section > Cookie Information Panel. And if needed, adjust the text content for the Cookie Information Popup headers:

Cookie Information Panel:

Cookie Information Popup text:
(Can be configured from Cookie Bar Settings tab > Bar Content section)

That's it! After you have followed all of the steps, you should be compliant with the French CNIL.

Updated on: 31/05/2024

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