Adding Custom Email to receive notifications from our App
By default, our app will notify the Email Address you registered when you created your account in Shopify as the shop owner.
These email notifications will include our app's installation/welcome emails, enabling the cookie bar reminders, quota limit reach, 90% quota limit reached notifications, and others.
You will now have the option to place your desired email address to receive these notifications other than the email address you used on your Shopify Admin account when you navigate to the General tab > Add Custom Email Address To Receive Quota and General App Notifications and place your preferred email address, as shown below:
Note: Once you have placed your Preferred Email address, you can choose whether to receive these notifications on the Shopify Admin email or only on the added custom email. The sample screenshot above shows the configuration of receiving the emails only on the custom email address.
These email notifications will include our app's installation/welcome emails, enabling the cookie bar reminders, quota limit reach, 90% quota limit reached notifications, and others.
You will now have the option to place your desired email address to receive these notifications other than the email address you used on your Shopify Admin account when you navigate to the General tab > Add Custom Email Address To Receive Quota and General App Notifications and place your preferred email address, as shown below:
Note: Once you have placed your Preferred Email address, you can choose whether to receive these notifications on the Shopify Admin email or only on the added custom email. The sample screenshot above shows the configuration of receiving the emails only on the custom email address.
Updated on: 26/06/2024
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