Articles on: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Cookie Bar Settings tab - Explained

The Cookie bar tab in the app settings was updated and is now separated into three sections, which are Bar Content, Bar Behavior, Management and Scanner.

In each section you can find the following options:

Bar Content:

Editable text fields for the Cookie bar and Preferences popup, in which the content can be changed in accordance with the store’s needs like direct translation of the fields or any specific piece of text related to your privacy policy, on which you like to notify your visitors.

Bar Behavior:

Option to set the initial state of the cookies in your store which will apply to all visitors when they access your store for the first time.
Configure the behavior of the buttons (Accept and Close) in the Cookie bar.


The Cookie Categories section is available to all free users. From there you can add or remove cookies in each category manually - directly through the list.
The Cookie Information Panel section is available for the paid users where they can edit each of the cookies, change the category they are added to and also add/edit their description, provider and duration.
Bulk Import/Export of cookies. More on this can be found in our article: Bulk Import and Export cookies using a CSV file
The Cookie Information Table section is available for our premium plan users as well. It gives the option to get a table with all the cookies set in your store, divided by categories, which can be added either to a separate page of your store (i.e. a Cookie Information page) or as an addition to an existing one. This is all explained in our FAQ article: Cookie Information Table - Explained


In this section you can find the option to run an on demand scan that will show you the cookies set in the store, when a visitor lands in your store initially. The feature is available for all of our paid plan users.
There is also an option for the cookies listed in the scanner, to be auto transferred in the respective cookie groups, which is available for the Plusand Enterprise users of the app. With this feature you also have the option to arrange them with the help of AI.

The second part of the scanner is the Scheduled Scanner which can be set for scanning your store periodically, and is available for the Enterprise plan users. It can be set to run scans in the store every day, a certain day every week, or on a certain data every month. You can also set the time of the day in which this scan should run in your store.
Once the scan is complete, you will be notified via email if any new cookies are found by the scanner in your store, and the email will contain detailed information on what actions the automated scanner took, to arrange these cookies in the app settings, as shown below:

The Scheduled option of the Cookie Scanner

The report Consemto users recieve after a scan

The report Consemto users recieve after a scan

Updated on: 31/05/2024

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