Showing the Requests made from the Compliance pages
If you navigate to the Consent Log tab > Data Subjects Request section, you’ll see the type of requests that your customers made from the Compliance pages.
There you can also filter the requests by Source of request (which compliance page it was send from) and also by Request Type (Edit profile, Personal Infor Request, Customer Deletion Request etc.).
You can also check how this data, filtered or not, can be exported below:
Filtering and Exporting the Data Subjects Request
Note: We have already automated the process for your convenience, and our app handles all the requests through the Compliance pages’ functionalities. The only requests that require your action as the shop admin are the “Do not Sell requests.”
In order to see how to handle such requests, please follow the guide in our FAQ sections below:
Receiving a Data Deletion request
What should I do when receiving a “Do Not Sell my information” request?
There you can also filter the requests by Source of request (which compliance page it was send from) and also by Request Type (Edit profile, Personal Infor Request, Customer Deletion Request etc.).
You can also check how this data, filtered or not, can be exported below:
Filtering and Exporting the Data Subjects Request
Note: We have already automated the process for your convenience, and our app handles all the requests through the Compliance pages’ functionalities. The only requests that require your action as the shop admin are the “Do not Sell requests.”
In order to see how to handle such requests, please follow the guide in our FAQ sections below:
Receiving a Data Deletion request
What should I do when receiving a “Do Not Sell my information” request?
Updated on: 15/08/2024
Thank you!