Articles on: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Change/reset visitors' consent

Our app sets a cookie immediately after the customer presses one of the buttons from the Cookie bar or the Preferences popup.

This cookie's expiration date is set to 12 months, meaning that unless a customer browses from another browser or clears his cookies manually, the bar will not be shown after the acceptance within this period of time.

The cookie will be deleted automatically after 12 months, meaning that the Consent Bar will show again and the customer will be able to configure his preferences.

Our app also has the feature to reset the consent to all of the customers of your store. In order to do this, navigate to Cookie bar settings tab > Cookie bar behavior section > Reset customer consent preferences option. This feature is only available for the users running either a Plus or Enterprise plan.

The section is giving you a couple of options for resetting the consent of the visitors that already interacted with the Cookie bar in your store.

The first option there is for resetting all of your customer's consent, regardless of the choice they made via the Cookie bar or the Preferences popup by checking the All option and hit the Reset button:

The Reset Partial Consent button there is giving you the option for resetting the consent only for the store visitors that did not accept a certain cookie group.
For example, when you are starting a new marketing campaign, you can reset only the consent for the visitors that declined the marketing cookies, so the Cookie bar can be shown again for them and they have the option to accept these cookies and help you with collecting useful data for your ads campaign.

NOTE: Bear in mind that the option can be used only once a day per cookie group!

The third option for the Scheduled Reset that you have there is for scheduling either a full or partial reset for the store visitors that did not accept a certain cookie group that will happen on a certain date. Please make sure to select the correct date and the cookie group from the drop-down menu before hitting the Schedule Reset button. You can also check the reference on this below:

If you want to set up a button, which upon clicking will trigger the Preferences popup, in order to allow the customer/website visitor the ability to reconfigure their cookie preferences before the cookie has expired, please navigate to one of the following FAQ articles:
Is there a way to show the Preferences popup after a visitor has already accepted the cookies?
How to add a Cookie bar Widget to the bottom of the page?
Is there a way to Re-Open the Cookie bar to change my choice?

If you need help with the process, don’t hesitate to contact our support team at: or from the Chat button at the bottom right corner of your browser.

Updated on: 16/09/2024

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